Uwsp Vehicle Use Agreement

UWSP Vehicle Use Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re a student or employee at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP) and planning to use a university vehicle, it`s important to know the rules and regulations outlined in the UWSP Vehicle Use Agreement. This document sets guidelines for safe operation, liability, and accountability when using university vehicles.

Here`s what you need to know about the UWSP Vehicle Use Agreement:

Who can use university vehicles?

Only authorized drivers can operate university vehicles. These individuals must have a valid driver`s license and are required to complete a driver authorization form. This form includes information about the driver`s driving history, any accidents they`ve been involved in, and whether or not they`ve had any drug or alcohol-related incidents.

What are the responsibilities of the driver?

Drivers using university vehicles should be aware of their responsibilities outlined in the UWSP Vehicle Use Agreement. These responsibilities include:

1. Operating the vehicle safely and in compliance with state and local laws.

2. Reporting any accidents or incidents involving the vehicle to the UWSP Office of Risk Management and Insurance.

3. Returning the vehicle clean and with a full tank of gas.

4. Not allowing unauthorized individuals to operate the vehicle.

What are the requirements for transporting passengers?

When transporting passengers in a university vehicle, drivers must follow these guidelines:

1. Drivers must ensure all passengers wear seat belts at all times.

2. Passengers must be in a location that is designed for seating, and they cannot be seated in the cargo area of the vehicle.

3. Drivers should never exceed the vehicle`s maximum passenger capacity.

What about liability and insurance?

The UWSP Vehicle Use Agreement outlines the university`s liability coverage for accidents and incidents involving university vehicles. However, it`s important to note that drivers using university vehicles may be held personally liable for any damages or injuries caused by their negligent actions.

Drivers using personal vehicles on university business are also required to carry their own liability insurance and are responsible for any damages or injuries caused by their vehicle during university-related activities.

In conclusion, the UWSP Vehicle Use Agreement is an important document that all authorized drivers should understand and follow. By doing so, drivers can help ensure the safety of themselves and others while using university vehicles, as well as protect themselves from any potential personal or financial liability.



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