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Section 106 Agreement Social Housing

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Section 106 agreement is a legal tool used in the UK to ensure the provision of affordable housing in housing development projects. This agreement is also known as the planning obligation, and it is a requirement for developers seeking planning permission for large-scale housing development projects.

The Section 106 agreement social housing is a contractual arrangement between a local planning authority and a developer. The agreement provides that the developer will provide affordable housing as part of their development when the project is completed. The social housing units are intended to meet the housing needs of low-income earners, key workers, and vulnerable people in the local community.

Typically, the Section 106 agreement requires developers to provide a certain percentage of affordable housing units, usually between 20%-50%, depending on the local authority`s policies. The type of affordable housing unit varies, but it can include social rented housing, affordable rented housing, shared ownership housing, or intermediate housing.

The Section 106 agreement is a legally-binding document, and failure to adhere to its terms can lead to legal action against the developer. The local planning authority closely monitors the developer`s provision of affordable housing to ensure compliance with the agreement. Therefore, it is crucial for developers to work closely with the local authority to ensure that they meet the requirements of the agreement.

The benefits of the Section 106 agreement social housing are numerous. Firstly, it ensures the provision of affordable housing, which is a significant challenge in the UK`s housing industry. It also ensures that the development project benefits the local community by addressing the housing needs of low-income earners and vulnerable people. Additionally, social housing creates a diverse community and promotes social integration.

In conclusion, the Section 106 agreement social housing is a critical tool for ensuring the provision of affordable housing in large-scale housing development projects in the UK. Developers must work closely with the local planning authority to meet the requirements of the agreement. The provision of social housing contributes to the development of a diverse and integrated community.

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